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Valid for Sitecore 5.2
1.  Known Issues
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This section describes known issues with the current release of Sitecore V5.2.

1.1.  IE update (KB969897)

Microsoft released ‘MS09-019: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer’ on June 17 2009 as KB969897. This update may crash IE when working with Content Editor in Sitecore 5.2.

Please follow the instruction below to work around this issue.

  1. Download the file ‘XHtml inline editor.html’
  2. Replace the original file with the downloaded one in “\sitecore\shell\Editor\Sitecore\”

1.2.  Odd Entries in Logfiles

The following messages may appear in Sitecore log files:

2888 14:37:20 WARN  Could not find type in ReflectionUtil.CreateObject: Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.ShellImage
2888 14:37:20 WARN  Could not find type in ReflectionUtil.CreateObject: Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.ShellImage
2888 14:37:20 WARN  Could not find type in ReflectionUtil.CreateObject: Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.ShellImage

This is not a bug or error - just messages for administrator's information.

1.3.  Layout Studio Issue

Open any layout, double-click on a placeholder (rendering), then click OK. Its icon disappers as a result.

However, you can continue your work, the changes are saved and the placeholder will be visible next time the layout is opened.

1.4.  Underscore and Dash Reserved

An underscore ('_') and a dash ('-') are reserved characters and cannot be used in encodeNameReplacements.

For instance, the following replace pattern entails disappearing of some content node tabs:

  <replace mode="on" find=" " replaceWith="_" />


  <replace mode="on" find=" " replaceWith="-" />

As a workaround, you have to define the replace string with other characters.  For instance:

 <replace mode="on" find=" " replaceWith=",-sp-," />

1.5.  XPath "//" Performance

Using XPath expressions with a double forward slash (//) in the XSLT renderings causes slow performance.  A bug in the Microsoft .Net XML object can cause performance problems when getting items based on the items ID. The problem will show itself as the first item lookup taking an unreasonable long time (1,000+ ms) whereas lookups hereafter execute quickly. This can be spotted using the trace or profile options.

For example:

  <xsl:for-each select="$home/item[@key='news']/item[@key='news archive']//item">

When getting an item based on the ID, SiteCore 4.1.2 and below makes a lookup on /sitecore/content//[@id]. For some inexplicable reason this is extremely slow. For version 4.2.0 this is replaced with //[@id] which takes 20ms or less to execute for the first instance and 1ms or less for succeeding instances. This is contrary to all logic, qualifying the Xpath statement should make the search execute faster, as only a subset of the tree is searched.

Developers should observe this issue when they write XPath statements.

Note that if you use a variable in XSLT, e.g.

<xsl:variable name=”foo” select=”//item[@id=’23432’]/>

Then the XPATH corresponding to the variable will be evaluated every time the variable is accessed (i.e. a sort of macro substitution). This will obviously result in low performance when used with //. Therefore, write your variables in full, e.g:

<xsl:variable name=”foo” select=”/item[...]/item[...]/item[..]item[@id=’23432’]/>

This can easily boost your performance significantly. Again, you can also use trace and profile to spot performance issues in your own XSLTs.

1.6.  Error in Log file after IIS Restart

After IIS restart and further uploading, the following error may appear in LOG file:

ERROR Error in UploadWatcher
Exception: System.NullReferenceException
Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source: Sitecore.Kernel
  at Sitecore.Context.get_ContentDatabase()
  at Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaPath.CreatePath(String path)
  at Sitecore.Resources.Media.UploadWatcher.HandleMediaFileCreated(String fullPath)
  at Sitecore.Resources.Media.UploadWatcher.Created(String fullPath)

1.7.  Restricted Items can be seen in Preview mode

If a user does not have read permission for an item, it is still visible for this user in the Preview mode.

1.8.  contentStartItem web.config parameter does not work

contentStartItem web.config parameter does not work in Sitecore up to 5.2. If you need to set an item that should be selected first when Content Editor is started you should use the Default Item field for a certain user in User Manager. So, this is only possible on per user basis so far.

1.9.  Apply Button Title

The buttons with "Apply" title have changed their title to "Bruk".

Please use this package to fix this issue.

1.10.  Renaming a User

Renaming a user in User Manager when the details view is selected throws JavaScript error.

1.11.  Avoid Special Characters in Names

In Sitecore 5.2 it is possible to create media folders and items by creating folders and files in the /upload folder. The names of media folders and items can not contain special characters listed in InvalidItemNameCharsweb.config setting. So, if folders or files with such characters in names appear in the /upload folder, the corresponding media items will be created, but special characters will be substituted with spaces and media items may be missing in folders.

1.12.  Safe Mode

Sitecore does not work in the Safe Mode since IIS is unavailable in such case.

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